Environmental Management & Engineering Services

An environmental management system (EMS) is "a system and database which integrates procedures and processes for training of personnel, monitoring, summarizing, and reporting of specialized environmental performance information to internal and external stakeholders of a firm"

  • Reviewing the organization's environmental goals;
  • Analysing its environmental impacts and legal requirements;
  • Setting environmental objectives and targets to reduce environmental impacts and comply with legal requirements;
  • Establishing programs to meet these objectives and targets;
  • Monitoring and measuring progress in achieving the objectives;
  • Ensuring employees' environmental awareness and competence; and,
  • Reviewing progress of the EMS and making improvements.

Environmental Assessment

  • Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments
  • Remediation Oversight
  • Petroleum & Hazardous Waste Determination, Remediation and Disposal
  • Groundwater and Surface Water Sampling & Monitoring
  • Soil, Sediment, and Benthic Sampling
  • Environmental Sampling & Monitoring.

Regulatory Compliance Assurance

  • Permitting and Regulatory Compliance Assistance
  • ISO 14001 Conformance Program Development
  • Environmental Education and Training

Sectors & Sub-Sectors Catered

EMEE’s client base encompasses a wide spectrum of industrial sectors

  • Sugar industry
  • Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETPs)
  • Thermal power plants
  • Synthetic and organic chemicals
  • Common Municipal Solid Waste Management Facility (CMSWMF)
  • Mineral beneficiation
  • Distilleries
  • Ports, harbours, break waters and dredging
  • Building and construction projects
  • Townships and area development projects
  • Highways
  • Pulp & paper industry.
  • Metallurgical industries (ferrous & non-ferrous)
  • Cement Plants
  • River Valley, Hydel. Drainage and Irrigation projects.
  • Soil Stabilization

Other Important Sectors

  • Turnkey projects in water, waste water and solid waste.
  • Execution of Environmental Management Plan for infrastructure projects funded by
    • The agencies World Bank, ADB Asian Development Bank, African Development bank,
    • AFDB,Swedish International Development Agency SIDA.
  • Corporate Environment Responsibility (CER) activities.

Services Offered

  • Environmental Impact Assessment & ESIA
  • Environmental Audit/ Status Report.
  • Consent to Establish & Consent to Operate
  • Technical Appraisal
  • Remote Sensing & GIS Study
  • Environment Training and Education
  • Corporate Environment Responsibility (CER)
  • Execution of Environment Management Plan.

Laboratory Services

EMEE Empanelled with extensive range of environment monitoring and analytical services for numerous industries through the crew of experts and Association with well-equipped laboratory recognized by Ministry of Environment & Forest and Climate Change (MOEF & CC), Government of India, New Delhi and Occupation Health and Safety Management System (OHSAS-18001 / 2007). The Laboratory is accredited by National Accreditation Board For Testing and Calibration Laboratory (NABL) under ISO/IEL 17025:2005.

Analytical Services

  • Sampling and Analysis of Water, Wastewater
  • Analysis of Soil Quality and Soil health
  • Wastes (Solid & Semisolid) analysis
  • Residue analysis, Food analysis
  • Treatability study for designing ETP/STP plants
  • Sampling and Analysis of Air Quality/Stack emission, Noise Monitoring.

Monitoring Services

  • Baseline environmental monitoring as per EIA notification
  • Air quality monitoring with respect to ambience, work zone and stack emission
  • Noise level and vibration study
  • Illumination and ventilation survey
  • Efficiency assessment of pollution control systems

Operation & Maintenance Services

  • Wastewater treatment plants like ETP, CETP and STP etc.
  • Water Treatment Plant, DM & RO. Online monitoring system.

Solid Waste Management Projects & Muncipal Services

Solid Waste Management (SWM) is one of the flagship service segments of EME. With its diverse range of services, EMEE’s work in SWM is spread across India with an existence in 7+ major states like Karnataka, Punjab, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh.

EMEE is recommended from technical consultants by the Directorate of Municipal Administration, Government of Karnataka Bangalore for preparation of Detailed Project Reports (DPR) on Municipal Solid Waste Management for the Municipal Councils of Karnataka. EMEE is Impanelled Consultant with DMA for PMC services for Urban Local bodies in Karnataka.

Services Offered

  • Project Management Consultancy (PMC) /Independent Engineer (IE)/ Vigilance Services for MSW C&T, Landfill, Bio Mining (Land Reclamation) and MSW Processing (Composting, Waste to Energy and Biomass to Energy)
  • Field Data Collection for DPR and as per Requirement
  • Municipal Solid Waste Characteristic Sampling and Analysis.
  • Detailed Project Report (DPR)
  • MSW Tender and Evaluation Preparation (Transaction Advisory Services).
  • Techno Economic Viability Report (TEV)
  • Techno Economic Feasibility Report (TEFR)
  • Corporate Debt Restructure (CDR)
  • Lender’s Engineer
  • Municipal & Hazardous Waste Landfill Construction, Closure Design and Costing
  • Waste to Energy – Pre Contract and Post Contract Consultancy

Turnkey Services

EMEE offers Turnkey Project Services through assessment need of industry and provide techno engineering solution through competent in-house expert team and well equipped, recognized associated environment testing laboratory.

  • WTP/STP/ETP Design & Commissioning of Industrial, commercial and infrastructure projects.
  • Design and development of Air Pollution Control system for industry.
  • Solid waste Management project design and execution. ( Waste to Energy)
M & E pumps@ (WTP)
Rural water system
Water Treatment plant
Sewage Treatment plant (STP)
Anaerobic pond
Waste water plant (STP)
Treatment process in STP
Effluent Treatment plant (ETP)
Common effluent Treatment plant (CETP)
Ambient Air quality Management system
Mobile Air quality Monitoring system
Monitor Air pollution with Laser Technology
IOT based Air pollution Monitoring